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Creating Lasting Family Connections

An Evidence-Based Practice


Creating Lasting Family Connections (CLFC) is a comprehensive family strengthening program to prevent substance abuse and violence. The curriculum helps families in high-risk environments become strong, healthy, and supportive. CLFC programming is implemented through a community system (churches, schools, recreation centers, court-referred settings) that provides significant contact with parents and youths, has existing social outreach programs, and is linked with other human service providers. The program begins with community and school mobilization, followed by parent and youth training. Parents are educated about alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) abuse, and learn family management and communication skills, role modeling, and the use of community services as needed. Youth trainings teach communication and refusal skills and encourage bonding with family. CLFC also provides early intervention and case management services to families in the program.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program is to reduce drug and alcohol use among teenagers.


Evaluations found significant increases in knowledge and healthy beliefs about alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse by parents. Youth in the program significantly increased their use of community services and delayed onset of ATOD use. Families participating in the program significantly increased youth involvement in setting and following family ATOD rules.

Results / Accomplishments

An evaluation performed at 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-ups found significant increases in knowledge and healthy beliefs about ATOD by parents (p<0.001). Families participating in the program significantly increased youth involvement in setting and following family ATOD rules (p<0.001). Families in the intervention increased bonding and communication between children and parents (p<0.10). Youth in the program significantly increased their use of community services (p<0.001). Participation in the program significantly delayed onset of ATOD use by youth (p<0.04) and reduced ATOD use by youth (p<0.10).

About this Promising Practice

Council on Prevention and Education: Substances, Inc. (COPES, Inc.)
Primary Contact
845 Barret Avenue
Louisville, KY 40204
(502) 583-6820
Health / Alcohol & Drug Use
Health / Adolescent Health
Council on Prevention and Education: Substances, Inc. (COPES, Inc.)
SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP)
Date of publication
Nov 2000
Date of implementation
For more details
Target Audience