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Ladies First

An Effective Practice


Ladies First is Vermont's Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program. This program makes special efforts to reach out to women with special needs (e.g., women who are blind, hearing impaired, in wheelchairs) who face special barriers to accessing health care services. The program helps women fill out the necessary forms to get screened for breast and cervical cancer, help them choose a doctor, and make certain the get to their appointments. The program also provides educational materials in alternative formats, including braille, large type print, and audiotape. Ladies First recently purchased wheelchair-accessible examining tables for 10 hospitals throughout the state and for one correctional facility to help ensure that disabled women get thorough exams.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program is to make cancer screening more accessible for women with special needs.

Results / Accomplishments

Ladies First works hard to make sure women have access to vital health information and cancer screening services. Since its launch in 1995, the Vermont Department of Health has provided cancer screening and diagnostic services to 6,000 Vermont women through its Ladies First program, many of whom benefitted from special services for women with disabilities. As a result of Ladies First screening efforts, 70 cancers have been detected, most in the earliest, most treatable stage. This program demonstrates the importance of reaching uninsured and underinsured women and women who face physical challenges in a way that addresses their particular needs.

About this Promising Practice

Vermont Department of Health
Primary Contact
Vermont Department of Health
Chronic Disease Program
108 Cherry Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401
Attn: Kate
(800) 508-2222
Health / Cancer
Health / Women's Health
Health / Prevention & Safety
Vermont Department of Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Steps to a Healthier U.S.
Date of publication
Date of implementation
For more details
Target Audience