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Diabetes Community Collaboration Program

An Effective Practice


The Minnesota Diabetes Prevention and Control Program partnered with two community-based coalitions in rural counties to develop and test a public-private collaboration called the Diabetes Community Collaboration Program (DCCP). The DCCP brought together potentially competing groups of diabetes stakeholders, including local public health agencies, private health care organizations, and community groups, to identify and address common goals for diabetes care and education. The coalitions planned, implemented, and evaluated a broad range of activities in their communities for people with diabetes, the general public, health care systems, and health care providers. One coalition developed a community diabetes registry that is used for monitoring diabetes care, providing ongoing diabetes education, and reminding registrants to obtain needed health care services. Both coalitions have expanded educational opportunities for people with diabetes by providing ongoing diabetes education through local media, community events, formal education, and support groups. Each coalition has created opportunities for health care providers to receive updates about the standards of diabetes care through professional education workshops.

Goal / Mission

The goal of the DCCP is to improve diabetes care and education in Minnesota.

Results / Accomplishments

The coalitions' efforts resulted in diabetes care improvements in the local clinics between 1995 and 2000. Clinic patient chart audit data showed that A1C testing increased by 82% in Rice County and by 300% in northern Koochiching County. Kidney function testing rose by 80% and 400%, respectively; median A1C levels decreased by 9.4% and 17%, respectively. Lipid levels also shifted from higher to lower risk categories.

About this Promising Practice

The Minnesota Diabetes Prevention and Control Program
Primary Contact
Minnesota Diabetes Program
Minnesota Department of Health
P.O. Box 64882
St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0882
(651) 281-99842
Health / Diabetes
Health / Health Care Access & Quality
The Minnesota Diabetes Prevention and Control Program
US Department of Health and Human Services: Steps to a Healthier US
Date of publication
Date of implementation
For more details