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Natural Gas STAR

An Effective Practice


The Natural Gas STAR Program is a flexible, voluntary partnership between EPA and the oil and natural gas industry. Through the Program, EPA works with companies that produce, process, and transmit and distribute natural gas to identify and promote the implementation of cost-effective technologies and practices to reduce emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

Goal / Mission

Reduce methane emissions from natural gas operations by identifying and promoting the implementation of mitigation technologies and management practices.

Results / Accomplishments

Since the Program began in 1993, Natural Gas STAR partners have eliminated 338 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of methane emissions through the implementation of the Program's core Best Management Practices (BMPs), as well other activities identified by partner companies. This is the equivalent of removing more than 30 million cars from the road for one year or planting more than 41 million acres of trees. At the same time, these companies have saved over a $1 billion by keeping more gas in their systems for sale in the market.

About this Promising Practice

US Environmental Protection Agency
Primary Contact
Roger Fernandez
US EPA Natural Gas STAR Program
MC 6207J
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20460
(202) 343-9386
Environmental Health / Air
Environmental Health / Energy & Sustainability
Environmental Health / Weather & Climate
US Environmental Protection Agency
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Additional Audience
Natural Gas Operations