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Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepeneurship (SAGE)

An Effective Practice


SAGE is an afterschool learning program that emphasizes healthy behavior by involving students in a learning program that emphasizes financial literacy. Students complete experiential learning projects related to global entrepreneurship that are designed to give high school students a new incentive to complete real projects in the community with real consequences, versus just completing class assignments. In addition to entrepreneurship, projects include community service, teaching, civic engagement and environmental awareness.

Goal / Mission

The overall goal of the Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship (SAGE) program is to establish a collaboration among high school students, college mentors, and local business leaders as the high school students complete experiential learning projects related to global entrepreneurship.

Results / Accomplishments

Since its beginning, the number of high schools participating has increased each year (from one, to three, to six, to seven, to eleven, to 23, to 32 high schools). The number of supporters from the private and public sectors has also increased each year. Most importantly, high school students who have succeeded in the SAGE program have gone on to college, creating a level of personal success (see

About this Promising Practice

California State University, Chico SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) Team
Primary Contact
SAGE (Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship)
California State University, Chico SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) Team
CSU-Chico College of Business
Chico, CA 95929-0011
(530) 898-4824
Community / Civic Engagement
Education / Student Performance K-12
California State University, Chico SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) Team
Promising Practices in Afterschool
Date of publication
Mar 2004
Chico, CA
For more details
Target Audience
Children, Teens